How I Became A Sound Sleeper After Decades Of Insomnia

When all the traditional treatments don’t work.

Barry Davret
Mind Cafe


Two years ago, I spent $491 on a sound frequency machine because the sales letter promised to cure me of insomnia. I didn’t believe the claim, but I bought it anyway, desperate for something to help me.

Like the dozens of other products, services, techniques, and snake-oil solutions I tried, this contraption failed me.

For much of my adult life, I’d avoid talking about my insomnia with other people. I know they meant well with their suggestions, but I tired of hearing, “Oh, did you try…”

After a few deep breaths, I’d smile and nod. Yes, of course, you moron. I tried melatonin, valerian root, and meditation. I’ve seen sleep specialists. And yeah, I know about sleep hygiene too. Got any other internet ideas?

No, of course, I didn’t say that out loud. I’d just thank them for the suggestion and change the topic. I shouldn’t be too critical. After all, friends and peers weren’t the only ones with useless advice.

Doctors couldn’t help me.

A sleep-specialist threw up her hands and prescribed me Ambien. I’ll never touch that stuff again. I was, apparently, one of the few folks to experience an adverse reaction…



Barry Davret
Mind Cafe

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