How Small Acts Make a Big Life

Hard choices, easy life

Eve Arnold
Mind Cafe


Photo by Cody Scott Milewski on Unsplash

“Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life.” — Jerzy Gregorek

Working in your jammies from 9 am to 5 pm is one definition of comfort.

Mental discomfort is something entirely different. When you get a flutter in your stomach, you’re thinking about it the night before and bad dreams of all the things that could go wrong.

That’s the kind of discomfort I’m talking about.

Comfort leads to a hard life

“Cut the crap. Literally, cut the unnecessary distractions out of your life — delete apps, unfriend and unfollow toxic people, stop committing to activities you don’t care about. Life is too short.”- Mark Manson

Being comfortable is summed up by making easy choices. Here are a few that come to mind:

