How to Access the Secret that Amazon Doesn’t Want You to Know

Never again pay one red cent for those classics you’ve been wanting to read.

Jay Squires
Mind Cafe


“Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.” — George Bernard Shaw

Amazon would prefer that we’d never heard of Michael S. Hart. That’s because if we understood his contribution, and took advantage of it, Amazon’s profits might have significant chunks taken out of them again and again.

Here’s how it all rolled out: Michael S. Hart was a writer who had an idea. An idea!

No… no, an idea is too puny to describe the vision — the vision worthy of any Medieval Saint, that possessed Michael S. Hart back in 1971, there in the Material Research Lab of the University of Illinois.

Serendipity Defined

To say that Michael was at the right place at the right time was an understatement. His brother, you see, had a couple of friends who were among the four who operated the Xerox Sigma V computer mainframe in that lab.



Jay Squires
Mind Cafe

I AM an AUTHOR, salesman, optimist, dreamer: May the four always COHABIT & produce wondrous progeny. IN THE SWIRLING POOL OF LIFE, I'm an unflushable floater.