How to Appear Socially Intelligent

On boosting your likeability.

Jon Hawkins
Mind Cafe


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

We are hard-wired to want to be liked. In a world where the majority of friendships are artificially created online, most of us are looking for something real — so we crave social interaction and surround ourselves with as many people as possible.

Because modern technology has increased the pool of people we interact with, our peers are more selective than ever when it comes to choosing friends.

This is, in part, because of what motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said:

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

If we want to be liked, we need to be somebody others want to be around. We need to be perceived as socially intelligent in a way that makes our peers proud to be our friends. Here’s how.

Hone Your People Skills

To present yourself in the best light, instill confidence in others so that they trust you.

This relies on you controlling and expressing your emotions in a healthy and clear way while having empathy for how others are feeling. In doing this, entrepreneur Deep Patel found he came across as more likable and competent.



Jon Hawkins
Mind Cafe

Asking questions, seeking answers. I write articles that help you better understand the Universe and your place in it.