How to Avoid Wellness Fatigue

Recognizing you are on the path to self-destruction as opposed to self-betterment.

Mathilde Langevin
Mind Cafe


Ever since being diagnosed with SAD in 2018, I had been on the lookout for every physical and mental health trick I could find. I’d go to the gym 5 days a week and I’d drink a ton of water. I took up yoga and I saw a therapist. I adopted up all the possible lifestyle modifications research showed to improve overall health, adding in fad trends whenever I felt I could be doing more. Fasting, meditation, green smoothies, CBT, habit building, sleep training, new ways to manage anxiety…the list went on.

When I took up copywriting for a handful of wellness brands, my obsession with the health industry reached a whole new level. I was bombarded on every level with health tips and new wellness gurus. As a wellness writer, you would think you have everything in your toolbox to overcome every slump life throws your way.

Ha. Ha.

When the pandemic first hit —where my income slashed in half and my stress levels skyrocketed — it got to the point that these healthy mindset prompts became anxiety-producing rather than anxiety-reducing. Every single mindful message and yoga pose on Instagram made me want to vomit.



Mathilde Langevin
Mind Cafe

Calm-conscious minimalist seeking balance through a simple & mindful life. I write about all things wellness for lifestyle brands + creatives.