How to Change Your Life: 6 Steps to Become the Person You Want to Be

On evaluating your life, creating a vision, removing mental blocks, optimizing your time and making your success inevitable.

Liz Huber
Mind Cafe


This is the year where everything can be different. This is the year where you can completely change your life. Every aspect of it.

This is the year where you can become the best version of yourself. Here is how in six simple steps:

1. Evaluate Your Life

Radical change starts with radical self-awareness. You need to know where you stand before you can get better.

Here is a list of 12 areas of life (from the ‘LifeBook’ course by Jon & Missy Butcher). Go through the list and rate each area of your life on a scale from 1 (really, really bad) to 10 (couldn’t be better) — plus state the reason for your rating. This will help you get super clear on your status quo.

  • Health & Fitness
  • Intellectual Life
  • Emotional Life
  • Character
  • Spirituality
  • Love Relationship
  • Family
  • Social Life

