How To Create A Better Reality

Everything you want in life — has the potential of being yours.

Dayana Sabatin
Mind Cafe



Have you ever heard about the power of your thoughts creating your reality?

Our thoughts can often leave us feeling empowered.

Alternatively, they can also hold us back from building the life we want and experiencing the reality we desire.

Self-limiting thoughts and beliefs can hold us back from going after our goals.

Our mind runs automatic thought processes that are filled with the same repetitive ideas and deeply embedded beliefs that we may not even be aware of.

Because of this, we begin to adopt those narratives in our minds and convince ourselves of things that aren’t always true.

We begin to set limitations on the things we can achieve, or how far up the success ladder we can actually climb.

The first step in creating the reality that you want, and freeing yourself of limitations is deciding to change the narrative.

Align Yourself With Your Intentions

Every one of your thoughts allows you to feel some sort of emotion.

Those feelings then create an energy that attracts whatever comes into your life.



Dayana Sabatin
Mind Cafe

I write about wellness, self-improvement, and dating. Published in Business Insider.