How to Create a Meaningful Connection with Almost Anyone

Actions and attitudes that are essential to creating fulfilling relationships.

Dr. Audrey
Mind Cafe


“It’s so hard to find new friends!”

Lately, I’ve heard this complaint from people of all ages: baristas in their 20’s, moms in their 30’s, co-workers in their 40’s, and friends and family in their 50’s, 60’s, and beyond.

Our society suffers from a disturbing relational paradox. We are deeply connected via technology but desperately lonely in real life. 47% of Americans describe feeling disconnected, solitary, or isolated. 1/3 of adults suffer from chronic loneliness.

Being lonely serves no one. Loneliness is correlated with poorer mental health, increased health issues, decreased immunity, and even early mortality. The World Health Organization has declared loneliness a public health concern.

“Loneliness kills. It’s as powerful as smoking or alcoholism.” — Robert Waldinger, Harvard Medical School

Finding Friends

Clearly, we need more friends.

Despite our stated desire for finding friends, we don’t seem to know how to go about getting them —…



Dr. Audrey
Mind Cafe

Life is better with words — and dark chocolate.