How to Create Space For Uncertainty in an Autistic Mind

Finding emotional stability when our physical reality falls apart.

Mind Cafe


Photo by Kyson Dana on Unsplash

The door opens, and for a brief moment, I catch a glimpse of what lies beyond the threshold, a life full of light and bright with colour. My carefree friends, boisterous music, dancing, laughter, and happiness. The door shuts.

I never talk about my Aspergers, but this is what my life, riddled with anxiety and labelled with autism, feels like. There’s a life I should be living, places I should be visiting, and experiences I should be able to enjoy, but I’m restricted by the confinement of my mind.

I’m constantly searching for a key to the door that everyone around me has access to. As a result, instead of enjoying my life, I’m stuck with crippling anxiety and a dysfunctional relationship with change, forcing me to remain in the mental cage I’ve created for myself.

However, a couple of weeks ago, all the habits and routines I had built up over the years suddenly fell apart like a house of cards. I was forced to adjust to a new normal as everything in my personal life turned upside down.

Since then, I’ve had to define a new normal and face the reality that I can’t control everything, no matter how much I try to prepare.



Mind Cafe

Seeking balance in a chaotic mind by leading a simple and mindful life. Join me on my journey.