How to Cultivate Your Mind Garden

You are what you choose to plant!

Karo Wanner
Mind Cafe


Imagine your head is an empty plot of soil. You are the gardener and it’s up to you what you will grow and nurture in your garden. Envision how your garden would look like.

I would plant colorful flowers in all shapes and sizes. Lemon trees for some shade and the blissful smell. Tomato plants, herbs, and greens to nurture my senses.

Occasionally, weeds start growing in hidden places. If the gardener takes good care, the sprouts will be erased effortlessly. But imagine, what happens if nobody takes care of the garden.

Your mind is like a garden. You are what you choose to plant.

Researchers have shown in several studies that happiness and overall satisfaction with life are strongly influenced by inner perspective and attitude. Through the cultivation of the mind, everyone can find true happiness and satisfaction.

Let’s dive into some mind gardening skills. How can you cultivate compassion, kindness, and love and how to take care of the weed? What is science saying?

Mind Gardening for Beginners: The Essentials

When you are starting your gardening project, you won’t find an empty plot of land. Your mind garden was cultivated by…



Karo Wanner
Mind Cafe

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