How to Deal with Being Taken For Granted

Hint — It’s not them, it’s you.

Toby Hazlewood
Mind Cafe


As we go through life we inevitably grow and understand better what makes us tick. One of the greatest and most impactful moments of personal clarity came in my twenties when I realised just how much I hate being taken for granted.

I’ve recently turned 45 and the learning continues. My twenties were an eventful time with many momentous and significant events scattered throughout. I graduated from university and started work at the turn of the new millennium. I became a parent, married and divorced in the space of 7 years. My career in IT boomed and busted as the bubble inflated and then popped.

Each event taught me valuable lessons about life and about who I was as a person. That I hated being taken for granted was one of the most significant awakenings and it’s something I’ve had to learn to manage over the years.

The Feeling of Being Taken for Granted

Most of us will feel aggrieved when our kindnesses and best efforts are overlooked. When we feel taken for granted by anyone, be that our kids, our partner or work colleagues it can undermine our faith and our contentedness in those relationships. Relate, the UK’s biggest provider of relationship support services posits that when one or



Toby Hazlewood
Mind Cafe

A writer, dad and husband sharing his thoughts, wins and losses to help and inspire others.