How to Empower Yourself When Facing Emotional Manipulation

Nobody can make you feel anything.

Jeffrey Keefer, Ph.D.
Mind Cafe


Image by Grae Dickason from Pixabay

You have likely heard that your emotional response to events is yours, and yours alone. Likewise, nobody can make you feel anything. This is one of the benchmark sentiments of those in the self-help or inspirational speaking movement.

Perhaps it is not quite a movement, but you have heard this, right?

Your emotional response is yours alone.

No matter how much people talk about a movie, book, your lack of sensitivity toward this or that cause, something shocking in the news, or this week’s social media hottie du jour, nobody can force us to like them.

Nobody can make you feel any one way or the other about them.

Or about anything, in fact.

Well, this sentiment is certainly true, but let’s face it . . . this is more complicated than gurus like to admit. Don’t feel bad about this(!), but gurus do at times oversimplify.

Let’s explore this and see if we can offer a couple helpful suggestions . . .

True, but Complicated

Our individual, emotional response is ours and ours alone. Nobody can make me feel happy or feel sad or feel



Jeffrey Keefer, Ph.D.
Mind Cafe

Jeffrey M. Keefer, Ph.D.: Educational Strategist & Eco Mindfulness Guide. Transforming busy lives with simple, nature-integrated mindfulness practices.