How to Exercise Every Inch of Your Brain and Sharpen Your Memory

According to a brain-health expert, this is the way to perform “whole-brain combination workouts”.

Alexa V.S.
Mind Cafe


Little girl solving a rubric’s cube and exercising her brain
Photo by Gabby K from Pexels

A decade ago, my father-in-law had a brain stroke. One day he was a gentle husband and father; the next, he changed. Though he survived — nothing short of a miracle — the region of his brain responsible for empathy was permanently damaged.

His gentleness disappeared.

When I met my husband, his father had already changed. To me, he seemed normal, albeit a bit cranky. But my husband insisted: His father — the father who’d raised him — was gone.

Now every time I meet with my father-in-law, I’m faced with a powerful reminder: We need healthy brains. Our loved ones and our own identities depend on it.

But what if I told you that it was possible to do more than maintain a healthy brain? What if you could enhance it?

According to Marian Diamond, one of the founders of modern neuroscience, “with proper stimulation and an enriched environment, the human brain can continue to develop at any age.”

This is called Neuroplasticity. In simple terms, It’s the brain’s ability to continue growing and adapting despite aging. Even as adults…



Alexa V.S.
Mind Cafe

Certified INFJ. Health & Fitness enthusiast. Fellow writer.