How to Feel More Alive By Doing The “Triplet Years Trick”

Life is too short. Learn how to mentally measure your lifetime with this trick — It’ll make you feel an inner alertness for excessive living.

Orestis Spanos
Mind Cafe


A photo of Comfreak From Pixbay

What’s the meaning of life? I’m too young to know you might say, I haven’t seen a lot. How could I? But who has anyway?

From the moment I stepped into adulthood, I desired to explore the world, to dive deep into the sanctuaries of human experience. I wanted to see how it looks like to love someone, chase a dream, find a passion — things that make life unique.

Because after all, those things are independent of age. You can investigate them as much in your twenties as in your fifties. The point though is, that the moment you start exploring them, you start actually living. Because life is, in fact, very short, to wait for anything. But we don’t get that very soon, don’t we?

However, here’s the thing! To explore, first, you need to observe a lot which is something I'm innately doing. I attempt first to understand others, to then be able to comprehend more my own self; Other-awareness leads to self-awareness.

So, from all the things I’ve discerned, one stands out the most. I see it all the time, you probably see it…



Orestis Spanos
Mind Cafe

I write about a different type of self-actualization. Based on timeless principles of philosophy, psychology, and spirituality.