How to Find Out What Really Matters to You

Define what’s important to you and don’t waste your life for the sake of society in general.

Orestis Spanos
Mind Cafe


Photo by Manasvita S on Unsplash

We might feel we know who we are, our identity. But rarely is that the case. Despite how harsh this’s going to sound, our personality to a big extent is just a product of society — its established beliefs, and its cultural narratives. Regardless of how unique we might feel, in fact, we are nearly the same.

This explains why we suffer from the same problems. We have similar negative tendencies, habits, and insecurities. Among them, consumerism, alcohol, caffeine, and the feeling of inadequacy are the most common.

If you oscillate somewhere between these, you should get the message. You aren’t that unique! Nobody is. But we all should aim to be on some level. The question though is how?

You become unique when you truly know who you are, deep down, beneath any false facade and persona that society has imposed on you.

On that journey, you need to doubt and reject many dominant beliefs that you possess and form your own ones to navigate the world. Thus, you’ll realize what really matters to you and so you’ll create a strong core identity, that doesn’t flinch each time it’s getting challenged by society's standards and norms.



Orestis Spanos
Mind Cafe

I write about a different type of self-actualization. Based on timeless principles of philosophy, psychology, and spirituality.