How To Frame Events From Your Past To Positively Impact Your Future

You must develop the ability to view the past in a way that empowers your future.

Chase Arbeiter
Mind Cafe


Photo by from Pexels

How you frame past events in your life is extremely impactful to your present and prospective self. We have an extremely damaging habit of framing our past experiences in life in a harmful way.

Marcus Aurelius provides some good advice:

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”

The stories you tell yourself and how you perceive them in your head—also known as Narrative Identity—will be extremely damaging to your future if you don’t frame them correctly. You must develop the ability to view the past in a way that empowers your future.

As Dr. Dan McAdams says, “Through narrative identity, people convey to themselves and to others who they are now, how they came to be, and where they think their lives may be going in the future.”

Your future needs hope, strength, and courage to create more abundance in your life. You will fail to produce these qualities in your life if the story of your past doesn’t empower your future.



Chase Arbeiter
Mind Cafe

I write about building a better life, chasing excellence in your craft, and using your work as a catalyst for your best life.