How To Get Back Up After Life Knocks You Down

A proven 4-step process to help you rise from the ashes.

Moreno Zugaro
Mind Cafe


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Two things are true about life.

№1: It will knock you down.

№2: You can choose to get back up.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

— Winston Churchill

I’ve had periods in life where I took more hits than an average cow carcass in a Rocky Balboa movie.

My business lost 90% of its revenue. I found out that I wanted to kill myself as a child. My ex told me she wanted to move in together and marry me, then left without an explanation. All within a year. It knocked the air out of my lungs like taking a bowling ball to the stomach.

Surprise, overwhelm, anxiety, bitterness, desperation, anger, fear — I knew them all too well.

The shit life throws at you can be tough to deal with, but what makes it ten times worse is not knowing how to shovel it.

When you lack a clear path forward, you don’t see a way out. Your fears keep telling you it will stay like this forever. And if you don’t do something, it will.



Moreno Zugaro
Mind Cafe

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