How to Get the Most Out Of Your Bursts of Motivation

One burst of motivation if used properly can give you momentum for months.

James Ssekamatte
Mind Cafe


Regardless of how it comes about, to get the best out of motivational bursts, you must learn energy regulation. Many people say that discipline is the most important characteristic that you need to get to where you want and that you cannot just rely on motivation alone to get you there.

It is true that motivation cannot be fully relied on especially when we consider the way most people manage their energy levels.

But am sure at some point, we all often get bursts of motivation from somewhere. It may be from some accomplishment, a motivational video, a strike of inspiration, and so on. And we know that with these motivational bursts comes a lot of determination and resolve.

Regardless of how it comes about, to get the best out of these Motivational bursts, you must learn energy regulation.

For about a year, I have been trying to remain consistent with three things I care about a lot. I had previously tried to get them done but I kept failing and burning out. Particularly, I wanted to write a 2000-word article every day as well as have 4 hours/day of…

