How to Harness the Taoist Concept of Wu Wei in Your Working Life

The art of surrender is what changed Bruce Lee’s life.

Peter Burns
Mind Cafe


“When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.” — Lao Tzu in Tao Te Ching

One brief moment changed Bruce Lee’s entire life. It redefined his guiding philosophy, and set him on a path with destiny.

At that point, Bruce had been training kung fu for several years, but he still couldn’t get himself to relax and stay calm. One day, he became so agitated that his instructor told him to stay home for a week.

When even meditation wasn’t helping him to cool off, Lee decided to go sailing. While at sea, he got really mad at himself. The future kung fu star clenched his fist, and punched the water as hard as he could. Years later, Bruce recalled the sudden transformation that followed. “Right then at that moment, a thought suddenly struck me: Wasn’t this the essence of kung fu?

He had struck the water with all his might, yet it didn’t get hurt. On the outside, water seemed to be weak. However, over time it could overcome even the hardest of rocks.

Before that incident, Bruce had been a trouble-maker. He was constantly getting into fights, angry at the world around him.



Peter Burns
Mind Cafe

A curious polymath who wants to know how everything works. Blog: Renaissance Man Journal (