How to Incorporate Mindfulness Into Your Daily Flow

Your thoughts shape your life.

Kate T.
Mind Cafe


Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Mindfulness is about creating a strong, healthy relationship with yourself in a practical way. But whenever I research the topic of mindfulness, it’s almost always interconnected with meditation. While meditation is amazing, and I don’t dispute its benefits, some of us have a harder time meditating. I believe that attaching the two terms together actually discourages those who can’t meditate from practicing mindfulness.

I have been practicing mindfulness (without meditation) for a few years now, and while it may sound difficult, it doesn’t have to be. As Ellen J Langer says in her book, Mindfulness:

“Trying to be mindful at all times may seem exhausting… I believe that being mindful is not hard, but rather it may seem hard because of the anxious self-evaluation we add. ‘What if I can’t figure it out?’”

Here is the thing — you don’t need to figure it out all the time. The benefits of mindfulness lie in your attempts to get in touch with yourself, let go of old ways that no longer serve you and create new contexts. Mindfulness means seeing things in a new light and believing in the possibility of change.

Here are five ways you can incorporate mindfulness practice into your everyday life. And this is exactly…



Kate T.
Mind Cafe

Positive thinker. Happiness seeker. Wife. Mother. Perpetually curious.