How To Learn To Be Less Judgmental

It will improve your relationships & make you a better person.

Sude Hammal
Mind Cafe


Photo by Alex Green on Pexels

Humans are judgmental creatures. If you’d ask me one trait to be the most commonly found in every human, I’d say prejudice toward others than them. Making prejudgments before even seeing what’s it all about.

We have the capacity to judge other people’s opinions and actions when in another context, we show similar or even the same inclinations — but we don’t judge ourselves for it — . Because we view ourselves as an exception and think we’re allowed to make the same mistakes, but others aren’t.

We talk from a point of perfectness when we judge other people, failing to look at the situation from their perspective. We denigrate a friend’s ex-boyfriend together with hatred when from their perspective, they might have some fair points.

Our judgments add more fuel to our gossips and make us feel better about ourselves. We need to deem a guilty suspect, to be the right one; for our psychological relief and the sake of our self-esteem.

We also not only judge people but situations; we judge politics, arts, science, religion, cultures, food, trends, and many other things.

Having some judgment and opinion about things can be beneficial and identifying as a person…



Sude Hammal
Mind Cafe

B.A. in Psychology. Lifelong learner. Writing about Psychology, Self, Writing, and other topics of interest. Weekly newsletter: