How to Make Impossible Decisions

The five tactics that have helped me most.

Jason R. Waller
Mind Cafe


Photo by Jake Melara on Unsplash

One month ago, I was wrestling with what felt like an impossible decision. I was trying to decide whether to fly back to the US, to spend time with my oldest children, or stay in Australia, with my youngest child. The complicating factor is that, for all of 2021, Australia has kept its borders closed. I likely could have gotten permission from the government to leave, but it’s not clear that I could have gotten permission to come back.

Now, I’ve made difficult decisions before. I’ve made some pretty life-or-death calls during my time in the military, and there are a hundred other decisions that seem more dire on paper. But for me — nearly a year after last seeing my oldest daughter and son — this was the most emotionally difficult decision of my life. I really didn’t know what the best choice was.

For clarity, I turned to five tried-and-true tactics that have served me well in the past. Now, I’d like to share them with you. Maybe they’ll help you like they helped me.

1. Years, not days

This nugget is number one for a reason. Think in the long term. Try this: when you’re confronted by a really difficult decision, think about things in terms of years, not days. We can often get caught up ruminating about…



Jason R. Waller
Mind Cafe

Executive coach to CEOs and leaders. Partner at Speaker, combat veteran, ex-consultant. Top writer in Leadership.