How to Make Money From Writing

A simple guide for beginners.

Adrian Drew
Mind Cafe
3 min readMay 26, 2021


Photo by Andreas Dress on Unsplash

Starting a career in the writing industry is a daunting task, to say the least. As a teenager, I always thought it would be as simple as leaving school, writing a book and watching the money pour in. Of course, it would never be that simple.

As any new writer knows, the start is often the hardest. In the beginning, most have no idea where to look. Torn between countless platforms, job boards and promotional platforms, taking that first step forward seems like an impossible task. Having so much choice becomes paralysing, even though it should fill us with optimism and ambition.

Sadly, many aspiring authors sprint away from the starting line, encounter a few hurdles, stumble and quit before they ever really get ahead. Those stories they once felt so passionate about sharing will never be heard, all because they failed to receive appropriate guidance.

It’s difficult. This, we know already. But where should you begin?

While it would take me far longer than a single article to share all of the tips needed to succeed as a writer, I’ll quickly run through the three steps that I believe all beginner writers should take.

Why should you listen to me?

Well, my work in the writing industry earned me over £100K last year. More, I own a globally-stocked magazine, an online publication with millions of monthly readers and have coached upwards of fifty clients on how to write better. I’ve helped several of them earn upwards of £1K per month writing on a freelance basis, as well as assisting them in getting published in Medium’s top publications.

Anyway, back to the point. Three tips. What are they?

  1. Never neglect the importance of working on your skills. Countless coaching clients come to me asking questions like: How can I earn more from writing? How can I get published in Mind Cafe? How can I do what you do? My answer is always the same. You’re asking the wrong questions. The first and most important question you should be asking is how you can improve your ability to write breathtaking stories. Until you’re the world’s best writer, that should always be your primary focus.
  2. Know that networking is your superpower. I’ve received countless job offers and request to contribute to publications simply because of who I know. It’s far easier to achieve your goals when you’re in contact with somebody that has the tools to help you achieve them, whether that’s editorial access to your favourite magazine or an audience of millions that you can tap into. Collect contacts like your life depends on it. But don’t be selfish about it. Help others rather than asking for help, and watch as your network expands rapidly, fuelled by generosity and genuineness.
  3. Ensure that your online presence is as strong as it can possibly be. Often, one of the first things a publication editor or potential employe will do before reading your work is check out your profiles. If they’re terrible, unprofessional and unrepresentative of you, that’s not going to serve you well when it comes to getting clients. It’s important to ensure everything that represents you online reflects how you wish to be perceived. Having a larger following also helps in many cases, since your influence will serve to benefit those you wish to collaborate with.

Of course, there’s far more to cover than this.

If you are interested in chatting with me further, I’d be happy to help you as a writing coach. To sign up, follow this link.

If you have any questions before booking a slot with me, feel free to email me via and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Love as always,




Adrian Drew
Mind Cafe

Owner of Mind Cafe | Let’s chat on Instagram: @adriandrew__