How to Make Money While Being Stuck at Home

Basic skills often are the most sought after and highly paid.

Tim Denning
Mind Cafe
Published in
8 min readApr 10, 2020


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The chance to work from home and freelance is now the default option for anyone who chooses it. It’s no longer an option reserved for cool people living the laptop lifestyle.

If you’ve never made money working from home, it’s a daunting idea.

You may not be born with Zuckerberg coding skills or Mark Manson’s blogging ability. That’s okay.

The money you make from home doesn’t have to be lofty either. You don’t need to be making ten grand a week and stacking one hundred dollar bills underneath your pillow.

Making a small amount of money working from home is the catalyst to so much more. It’s the validation of what is possible that is the ultimate outcome you want to aim for. When the economy takes a right hook to the face because of a pandemic, you’ll be grateful for exploring the idea of making money from home and the possibilities it creates.

Here is how you can make money while being stuck at home.

Direct Messages Are Your New Best Friend

If you’re stuck at home, your method of communication is going to be a seriously important choice.



Tim Denning
Mind Cafe

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