How to Make Your Life a Sanctuary From the Modern World

For anyone feeling overwhelmed by technology and information.

Charlie Lukas
Mind Cafe


Man standing in front of a beach cave entrance
Photo by Marco Trinidad from Pexels

Sanctuary: A sacred place; a place of refuge or safety; a place of peaceful tranquility or introspection.

Not everyone struggles with modern life. Some people wouldn't change a thing.

But for those of us suffering under the weight of social media, dread-filled 24-hour news cycles, and never-ending information, we need to make some important changes.

The goal is to emancipate yourself, not from technology, but from the aspects of the modern world that keep you trapped. I call that making your life a sanctuary.

The Concept of Making Your Life a Sanctuary

We all have an intimate relationship with the internet. In the last ten years, it’s snaked its way into just about everything.

Elon Musk said it himself:

“We are already a cyborg. People don’t realize — we are already a cyborg because we are so well integrated with our phones and our computers. The phone is almost like an extension of yourself. If you forget your phone, it’s like a missing limb.”

