How to Master Yourself Like a Shaolin Monk

Overcome life’s 5 hindrances.

Karo Wanner
Mind Cafe


Everybody is searching.

We all need meaning and purpose in life so badly. We want to know why we are here and what we should do with our lives.

A person without meaning is lost, without hope and direction. Many of us feel this way and are on the search for this one big thing.

To bring meaning to your life

to bring value into your life

you need to learn and master yourself and

don’t let the hindrances stop you — Master Shi Heng Yi

We are trapped in a disillusioned world. We lost the reality, our truth, our self to attachments like money, social status, and fame. None of this is part of the truth. Only the self can lead us to clarity.

If you don’t know the nature of your existence you don’t know anything real. The ancient Shaolin culture teaches us how to find our true self by overcoming the 5 hindrances.

Only when we master ourselves can we see clearly and find our purpose and meaning in life.

Let’s find out what the 5 hindrances are and how we can overcome them.



Karo Wanner
Mind Cafe

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