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How to Overcome Feeling Like You’re Not Valuable Enough to Live the Life You Desire

You have what it takes

Ayodeji Awosika
Published in
5 min readMay 6, 2023


Once you trust yourself, the world opens up to you.

People often reply by telling me success doesn’t matter. I totally disagree. You play ‘success games’ because of the person you have to become in the process to win them.

This contentment culture is a cop-out. I don’t buy it and deep down, neither do you.

I’m not trying to make you feel bad. I’m just being honest. Until you trust yourself to make some serious moves, you’ll always feel like you left some potential on the table.

Will your life be miserable? No, not at all. But is that your goal in life? Avoiding misery? Is that it? Gotta answer that for yourself I guess.

The Main Things You Don’t Trust Yourself To Do

Self-help advice really doesn’t do much. At best, it can diagnose your problems and provide suggestions. But you still have to take the leap of faith yourself.

You never hear me say corny lines like “F.E.A.R. stands for false evidence appearing real.” No, fear is as real as it gets. Your brain isn’t giving you false evidence, it’s trying to help you avoid the psychological pain that definitely will



Ayodeji Awosika
Mind Cafe

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