How to Power Up Your Self-esteem with These 3 Habits

Simple, proven strategies that deliver huge results.

Patricia Haddock
Mind Cafe


How to Power Up Your Self-esteem with These 7 Daily Habits Simple changes that deliver huge results
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

How do you think about yourself? Do you believe that you are capable, competent, pulled-together? Do you wonder if you’ve got what it takes, question your ability to reach your goals, or avoid taking chances? Do you typically see yourself in a positive light or a negative one? As worthy or not? The answers are a reflection of your level of self-esteem — what you think of yourself.

Self-esteem is a complex construct, but generally refers to a self-evaluation of our worth, goodness, or success in various aspects of our lives. It is formulated in our early years and changes over our lifespan.

“Our successes, our failures, how we are treated by members of our immediate family, by our teachers, coaches, religious authorities, and our friends contribute to our basic self-esteem.” — Sarah-Len Mutiwasekwa.

As we mature, it may become associated with specific areas, such as appearance, intellect, accomplishments, social standing, career, and so on. For example, when we were teenagers, our level of self-esteem may have depended on our appearance, social standing with our peers, academic accomplishments, and so on. As an adult, it may be based on our career achievements, professional credentials…



Patricia Haddock
Mind Cafe

Writer, editor, coach helping people move from where they are to where they want to be. Find me at Mind Cafe, Illumination, Coffee Times. &