How to Practice Self-Compassion in Pursuit of Your Dreams

You don’t need your inner critic to get there.

Jerine Nicole
Mind Cafe


Photo: JoelValve

My yoga practice teaches me a lot about life. The other day, I was on the mat attempting to do the dancer’s pose. This is where you stand up on one leg, have your other leg stretched and while grabbing it with one of your hands. If you can’t imagine it, know that it’s hard. It requires a lot of balance and core strength.

What caught me off guard was what the instructor said during the demo. She said, “It’s okay to slow down. It’s okay to fall because you’ll catch yourself. Do what you have to do, balance yourself because it’s about doing the process with integrity.” I couldn’t help but think that the same teaching applies to anything in life.

When you’re pursuing your goals — whether it’s a new job or starting an online business, it’s easy to rush. It’s easy to get lost in the sight of who you are as a person and how you treat yourself. Maybe you use your inner critic to motivate yourself. Maybe you believe that the only way to get there is if being harsh to yourself.

I’m here to tell you that there’s a different way. That you can achieve your goals and dreams without being mean to yourself. This way, you appreciate all the good and the bad and still be in love with the process and get to where…



Jerine Nicole
Mind Cafe

Part-time nurse, part-time writer. I write stories about how I explore life to inspire others. Insights on intentional living: