How to Put Yourself First: Thoughts From a Reformed People Pleaser

You do not exist for others’ enjoyment

Maggie Kelly
Mind Cafe
Published in
5 min readOct 7, 2022


image of a stone heart held in someone’s hand
Image by Nevena M. from Pixabay

I was clearing the dishes at my grandpa’s house. My sister and I were visiting for a week to see him. She passed me in the kitchen and I half-jokingly said, “Anything to be useful, right?”

I was referring to the need to cater to other people and do things to gain brownie points. But it wasn’t really a joke.

Everyone feels the need to please people to a degree. It’s when it gets in the way of yourself that’s harmful. And everybody’s motivation is different.

I like to keep my inner peace. It’s what keeps me a rather chill person. I go with the flow and want to do what’s easiest for others. I give up my own wants and needs to meet others.

Your Purpose in Life

Believe it or not, your purpose is not to serve others. Purpose has become something everyone must have. You must have some purpose in life, otherwise, what’s the point? Whether your purpose is to create art or be a civil servant, you need something.

Revolutionary idea here: what if your purpose was just to be? No ulterior motives. Your purpose on Earth is to live and enjoy your life.



Maggie Kelly
Mind Cafe

Maggie Kelly is a ghostwriter who writes about mental health and personal development.