How To Regain Motivation To Do Difficult Things

Overcome fear to start doing what matters for you.

Nino Padilla
Mind Cafe


Photo by David Lezcano on Unsplash

Before the quarantine situation, I find it easy to commit to my goals. I have a strong internal compass that allows me to be consistent with them. Whether it be learning a skill or eating healthy, I see through them because I have a why.

Two years into the pandemic, my drive diminishes little by little every day. My daily health habit of drinking fruit smoothies now feels like a chore. Reading books have become dry and dull as well. Ironically, these things used to be effortless for me.

This made me wonder, why is it easy to commit to things on some days while excruciating on others?

According to research, hard work makes us feel bad at the moment because it’s uncomfortable. So instead of doing challenging things or committing to our goals, we skip on them.

Because of that, our brains get used to comfort, and we shy away from engaging in more effortful tasks. But discomfort is where growth happens, and it’s necessary for our development.

Here are some science-backed ways to regain motivation when you feel blue.

Identify The Cause



Nino Padilla
Mind Cafe

I grapple with life's most important questions to learn how to live.