How To Sleep Like A Baby With The Super Simple 3–2–1 Rule

If you hate your alarm clock, this one is for you.

Moreno Zugaro
Mind Cafe


It’s one of those mornings: Your alarm clock’s nagging noise interrupts your sweet slumber without mercy, you feel groggy, vision foggy, barely remember your name, and consider trading half your life savings for just 15 more minutes under the blankets.

But since duty calls, you roll out of bed, down enough coffee to make a medium-sized elephant’s heart dance the Macarena, and go through hours of feeling like a very tired and rusty robot, waking up just in time for lunch before you hit the dreaded afternoon low.

Sleep deprivation isn’t just annoying, but can significantly harm your health, productivity, and mood — and it also makes you lose muscle and keep fat. During the night, your brain and body regenerate, process what happened, repair damaged cells, and strengthen your immune system and metabolism. That’s a lot of fancy words for a simple truth:

If you don’t get enough high-quality sleep, you’re making your life a lot harder than it needs to be.

A good night’s rest is the most underrated productivity, health, and mood booster there is. Yet, simply sleeping for long enough doesn’t cut it —…



Moreno Zugaro
Mind Cafe

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