How to Start Seeing Your Problems as Opportunities to Grow

Reframing: The Stoic art of shifting perspective.

Erik Brown
Mind Cafe


You ever get that feeling that the world is out to get you? It’s not hard to imagine that sometimes, especially when unfortunate events come in groups. If these thoughts occupy your mind for too long, depression might not be far away. The National Institute of Mental Health refers to depression as one of the most common mental disorders in the United States.

Unfortunately, there’s no magic cure that makes suffering go away. So, what do you do when you encounter these trains of terrible events? What do you do to stop that funk that makes you want to shut down?

Modern psychology has an answer. Strangely, the answer isn’t far from an ancient answer discovered thousands of years ago.


“Reframing requires seeing something in a new way, in a context that allows us to recognize and appreciate positive aspects of our situation. Reframing helps us to use whatever life hands us as opportunities to be taken advantage of, rather than problems to be avoided.

Breakdowns are transformed into challenges and new possibilities to experience life more fully and to become a more whole human being.” — Linda and Charlie Bloom, Psychology Today

