How to Stay Positive When Life Gets Difficult

We have to face the facts, life is hard sometimes.

Jon Hawkins
Mind Cafe


No matter how hard we try to avoid them, we all experience low points from time-to-time. Sometimes because of bad news, sometimes because of other people, and sometimes, for no reason at all.

We can do our best to stay happy every single day, but life rarely goes the way we plan.

Life’s a journey, and that journey happens to be pretty tough. Pain is a fundamental part of life and that’s why it’s critical that we learn to stay positive when life gets us down.

Here’s how.

1. Focus on the Positive

When we start feeling sad, it’s easy to get stuck inside a cycle of negativity — and that only makes us feel worse. Much worse.

You have to fixate on the positive. It’s cliché, I know, but that’s because it works. Fixating on the positive is about appreciating what you do have, the good aspects of your life — not all of that bad stuff that’s getting you down.

Focus on your family, your health, your career, accomplishments: focus on anything and everything in your life that brings you joy.

Think about the things you’ve done well today. Maybe you ate healthily or stuck to your…



Jon Hawkins
Mind Cafe

Asking questions, seeking answers. I write articles that help you better understand the Universe and your place in it.