How to Stop and Appreciate Every Single Moment

Because you will never again be the person you are right now.

Jason Weiland
Mind Cafe


Photo by Vlad Sargu on Unsplash

Who are you, right now, at this single moment in time? Who are you, really? Would you consider yourself the hero or the villain in your story? Have you arrived at this moment stagnant, or are you constantly changing and improving?

If you have the time, get comfortable and search your mind for the answers to these questions:

  • What are the good and the bad things that brought me to this point in my life?
  • Who is a part of my life, and who have I left by the way?
  • What are the things that are important to me right now? Is it money, fame, and possessions, or something nobler like altruism or love?
  • Where am I going, and what are the things I want for myself?
  • Am I satisfied with my life or doing the things that will bring me fulfilment?
  • Who do I want to be as a person?

Now, do you have a better idea of who you are right now?

You Will Never Be the Same Person Again

It’s a good thing to get your bearings at times because, as a moment passes, you cease to be the person you were.



Jason Weiland
Mind Cafe

Personal essays and articles from a guy who never tires of writing about his life -