How to Stop Being Brain Washed

Reprogramming your brain to make the right decisions for you

Robin Cartwright
Mind Cafe


In J.G Ballard’s The Subliminal Man (1963), the hero, Hathaway, realizes that rampant consumerism is being fuelled by subliminal advertising on giant billboards above the freeways.

The signs, Doctor! Have you see the signs?”

“Can you visualize it, Doctor — a seven-day week, everyone with at least three jobs?”

Franklin shook his head. “People won’t stand for it.”

“They will. Within the last twenty-five years the gross national product has risen by fifty percent, but so have the average hours worked.”

Ultimately, we’ll all be working and spending twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No one will dare refuse.”

Are we being brain-washed too?

Negative Thinking

It’s the Christmas break, but you don’t feel rested, you feel stressed. You have to drive two hours to see a family member, but you don’t want to go. And you feel guilty about that.

Your brother’s family were here on Christmas Day, but you got the feeling your sister-in-law wasn’t very happy with your choices of decoration and food — which made you tetchy in her company and caused a stupid row…



Robin Cartwright
Mind Cafe

Writer, coach, organisational psychologist. Recovering management consulting Partner. Trying to make the workplace human(e). Contact: