How to Stop Being Busy and Start Being Productive

If applied, you’re finally going to start seeing some progress.

Dayana Sabatin
Mind Cafe



I want to share something I struggle with. I struggle with getting the things that need to be done — done.

Here’s the thing, “busy” is considered the new “productive” quite a lot these days. For that reason, I constantly have 10–15 things on my to-do list, believing that doing them all will result in an incredibly productive day.

It doesn’t. In fact, it results in little to no work being done on a daily basis.

I thought that having a visual of everything I want to accomplish in a day would help me. That it would allow me to have a sense of urgency to work quickly to be able to cross things off one by one, but instead, it made me jump from one task to another without actually completing the task at hand.

Busy vs. Productive

Understanding the difference between being busy and being productive is critical here. You can be busy clearing out your Gmail. Meanwhile, the bills on your counter remain untouched despite “pay bills” being on your to-do list.

You can be busy writing down all of your goals. Meanwhile, you’re not physically doing anything to get closer to those goals.



Dayana Sabatin
Mind Cafe

I write about wellness, self-improvement, and dating. Published in Business Insider.