How To Successfully Wing It

3 ingredients that mostly come from within.

Sylvia Emokpae
Mind Cafe


Have you ever felt like you don’t know what you’re doing? Maybe you’ve been working hard on a project and you’ve stopped, paused, and asked yourself, “how the hell am I going to pull this off?”

We’ve all been there. This moment is quite monumental to your future because it symbolises a crossroads. It is the choice that you make here that determines whether you’re going to actually make it, or whether you’re gonna go downhill and prove your self-doubt right, at least temporarily.

You could continue the project but half-heartedly, or you could find a way to pump yourself up and carry on until you nail it — even if you don’t know you’re nailing it till the very end.

Honestly, nobody knows what they’re doing 100% of the time. I argue I don’t know what I’m doing when I pick up my 2-year-old and he expects the world of me. I don’t know what I’m doing when I’m writing notes for my articles. I question my credibility as a parent and as a writer every single day.

Imposter syndrome is vastly common and incredibly underestimated, especially amongst those who are seen to be the most successful. This is the god honest truth.

Literally, everyone is winging it.



Sylvia Emokpae
Mind Cafe

Hustler by day, mother all the time. Inspired by normal life occurrences because, in hindsight, everything we do is interesting. Chocolate addict.