How To Triple The Number Of Books You Read

It’s a lot easier than you think.

Kirstie Taylor
Mind Cafe


Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

In January, I read seven books; a variety of fiction and one non-fiction.

I’m fairly proud of that number, given I only read 28 books last year. Reading seven books a month averages to 84 books in a year. That means I’m on track to triple my yearly count.

And this isn’t some egocentric goal of mine. I’ve always loved to read. Those 28 books last year trickled through at a very leisurely pace.

But at the end of last year, I realized I didn’t read for pleasure. I was sucked into the self-improvement world, disguised as the “wellness industry.” I latched onto well-known books like Tim Ferris’s Titans and basically everything Malcolm Gladwell has ever written.

And though the books contained their merit, I got a bit sick of reading to try and improve myself. I came to this crazy realization that maybe I could go back to reading for fun, instead of the sole purpose of making myself a better person.

I decided 2020 would be the year of fiction. I wanted to read more narratives I loved that had me turning the pages late into the night.

And so I began this year intending to up my annual book count to 40. I think it’s safe to say I’ll knock that one out of the park (or…



Kirstie Taylor
Mind Cafe

Want to feel confident and secure when dating? Grab my 30-day dating guide, "From Anxious to Secure." // IG: @kirstietaylorr //