How To Use Affirmations To Boost Your Productivity

I acquired several skills and talents by changing the way I used affirmations and here is how you can too

James Ssekamatte
Mind Cafe


Photo by hp Koch on Unsplash

Many people( even me in the past) never pay attention to affirmations choosing to believe that it's “spiritual woo-woo” but the truth is, we all use affirmations to reinforce our beliefs and convictions in some way whether consciously or unconsciously. There is scientific research that talks about affirmations and shows the benefits of using affirmations. Many top performers from sports to business use affirmations to help them show up better to their work.

But most people that talk about affirmations only talk about positive affirmations. They tell you to affirm how awesome you are and as much as that is ideal and surely works for some people, such affirmations do not always work because, for most of us, they do not match with our existing beliefs. To put it clearly, Dr. Jeffrey Huber from Indiana University separates this idea into working and automatic memory. He says that the affirmations are just words that are in your working memory and to make them work effectively for you, they must be accepted into the automatic memory. This is what I mean when I say make your affirmations match with your existing beliefs.

