How to Use the Power of Breaks to Enhance Your Productivity

Science says your brain wants you to leave it alone for it to help you. Here’s how you can do it.

Ruchi Das
Mind Cafe


Photo by Jasmine B on Unsplash

Yesterday, I completed a 3000-word article for one of my freelancing clients. I’d done it after days of procrastinating. When I wondered what pushed me to finally finish it, I realized I owed it to a 5-day break.

During those 5 days, I let myself do everything to keep myself thinking about or working on the article. I read, watch a Netflix documentary, cooked my favorite food, took a walk in the park, and enjoyed 8 hours of healthy sleep. When I returned to the article on the 6th day, the results were exactly as I had anticipated. My thoughts were fresh. My hands strummed on the keyboard. I found it easier to get into my flow state and finish the article.

A break seems like a luxury, especially when you’re caught up in a piece of work you’re determined to finish. But breaks help you do exactly that. They’re the perfect way to take a few steps back and propel yourself forward.

Lack of Breaks Defy Your Productivity

You’re working hard. You’re telling yourself that if you finish this one piece of the task, you will allow yourself to get off the work. But you…



Ruchi Das
Mind Cafe

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