How Writing Can Make You a Better Person

There are more benefits to writing than you think.

Daniel A
Mind Cafe


Before I started writing, I thought it was just about that: turning thoughts into sentences, articles, finally sharing your ideas with readers, and conveying a message. At first, I believed writers were just like everyone else.

But after writing every day for more than three months, I realized there are more benefits to doing so than we think. Writing can make you a better person. Here’s how.

1. Self-Awareness

As a writer, you have to do a lot of introspection. You need to dive into your own experiences to find new ideas or provide value to a story. Even though it’s quite a difficult and unnatural thing to do at first, it has an invaluable benefit you’ll keep forever.

That benefit is self-awareness.

While writing, writers engage in self-evaluation: they go through their thoughts, feelings, and memories in hopes of finding something readers will connect with.

But not only do they find ways to engage with others, but they are also learning about themselves.

Through this practice, I was able to start developing my emotional intelligence, understand what my goals are in life, and become aware of how I…



Daniel A
Mind Cafe

I write to help you be more productive, sharpen your linguistic skills and develop your literary abilities. I enjoy discussing the world around us and more.