How You Peel Bananas Shows You Can’t Tell Right From Wrong

Question everything.

Moreno Zugaro
Mind Cafe
Published in
4 min readJan 27, 2021


I love talking to people about peeling bananas. This isn’t a kinky codeword. The talk often has life-changing consequences.

Most people grab the little antenna on top to rip the banana open. Although this seems like the biological equivalent to a can’s tab, it’s the wrong side.

Monkeys, the banana-peeling pros of the world, pinch the little dark nub on the bottom with two fingers. The peel parts into two big strips easy to pull off, exposing a naked and ready-to-munch banana.

You often think you know what’s right but actually don’t. The same applies to everything in life.

How Do You Know What Is Right and What Is Wrong?

Every day, you feed your brain new information.

You read self-improvement articles and newsfeeds, watch YouTube-videos, or listen to your friend’s ramblings. If you don’t question them, you don’t have a curation system in place to decide which information is true and valuable — and which isn’t. You believe stuff because everyone believes it.

But you weren’t always this way.

As a kid, you questioned everything. Evan Hadfield, the creator of the Rare Earth series…



Moreno Zugaro
Mind Cafe

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