Culture | Self | Relationships

I Don’t Miss The Stupid Gender Norms Of Dating

Why this is a “we” problem and how cultural standards need to change.

Sean Kernan
Mind Cafe
Published in
5 min readJul 1, 2023


Images via Pexels (vjapratama)

We had walked from our dorm to a Christmas tree lighting in downtown DC.

There were 10 of us. We were freshmen at George Washington University, which had a fascinating and eclectic student body.

I hadn’t gone to this event with romantic ambitions. It was friends, mostly from a dorm, and there was a clean mix of guys and girls.

It snowed as we walked through the city, with red and green decorations hanging over every building. Corny, beloved Christmas songs droned in and out of earshot as we walked.

We arrived at the downtown park, which had a matte of snow that was glowing against the night sky and streetlights. We’d had a brief snowball fight at the park before gathering with other crowds for the big tree lighting.

There was a fellow freshman, Megan. She was a beautiful brunette, a dance major in the theater program. She had beautiful eyes that were accented by the dark beanie she was wearing.

We stood amongst other crowds in the snow as we waited for the towering Christmas tree to be lit.



Sean Kernan
Mind Cafe

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