I Tried Benjamin Franklin’s Daily Routine — And It Blew My Mind

It was an unconventional way to be more productive

James White
Mind Cafe


New York Public Library (Public Domain)

I’m deeply fascinated by people who made a significant impact on history. One of them is Benjamin Franklin. He was a Founding Father of the United States and also signed the Declaration of Independence.

In Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography, he shared his daily routine. He awoke at the same time each morning, completed several hours of work, and went to bed. Benjamin’s schedule also included a two-hour lunch break and a dedicated time slot for reading.

The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

I followed Benjamin Franklin’s daily routine to be more productive. And sure enough, adopting his habits was one of the best decisions of my life.

Here’s A Detailed Breakdown Of Benjamin Franklin’s Daily Routine

Jump Out Of Bed At 5am

A famous quote by Benjamin Franklin discusses the importance of waking up early. It goes like this: “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

