If You’re Feeling Overwhelmed, Step Back

We can only get so far by beating our heads against a wall.

Spencer Sekulin
Mind Cafe


Photo by Tonny Tran on Unsplash

“The opportunity to step away from everything and take a break is something that shouldn’t be squandered.” — Harper Reed

Life moves at a ridiculous pace — and every day we’re tempted to keep up constantly.

Days fly by, and in them, we try to cram so much, get so much done, and to such specific ends, that when we don’t do that, when we “fall short” of our plans, we feel like we’re sinking.

Or at least that’s how I’ve felt as of late.

When you take it upon yourself to accomplish great things in life, when you set goals and take action, it’s easy to go to an extreme and to expect yourself to go, go, go all the time, like a machine, and produce results.

But we’re not machines. We’re not meant to go 24/7, even at things we like to do. We have to learn to step back.

We have to be disciplined about creating space between constant “productivity” and the rest of our lives.

How Breaks Can Enhance Prodictivity



Spencer Sekulin
Mind Cafe

Paramedic | Writer | Creator | Work In Progress | Contributor for Better Humans, Mind Cafe, and more. Let’s learn and grow together. https://spencersekulin.net