Illustrated: 11 Short Stoic “Rules” For Life

Framed as questions for Stoic self-reflection.

What Is Stoicism?
Mind Cafe


In his book Being Better: Stoicism for a World Worth Living In, Kai Whiting makes the following assertion about the ancient philosophy:

Stoicism won’t remove all of life’s obstacles, but it helps us to think differently about them. It won’t provide us with all the answers, but it gives us the ability to form the questions that ultimately lead to the solutions.

He goes on to say:

It asks us to commit to seeking and progressing in virtue rather than mere pleasure, to value long-term character building over short-term gains, and to hold ourselves accountable to our own moral code rather than adhering to arbitrary rules or following practices promoted by the latest celebrity or guru.

…It is not about specific practices or philosophical life hacks or strategies for getting ahead. Nor does it offer up tips or tricks for shaping our abs, gaining likes on social media, doubling our salary overnight, or tidying up our living space. Instead, it makes it very clear that becoming the best version of ourselves involves striving for an excellent character — one that can effectively help us create a world worth living in — both for ourselves and for others.



What Is Stoicism?
Mind Cafe

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