Is There a Secret to Long-Term Health and Happiness?

According to science, the answer is yes. It’s relationships.

Alice Goldbloom
Mind Cafe


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

I have nothing against fame and fortune, getting the big promotion or snagging a book deal for the magnum opus you’ve been writing for the past five years. At one point in our lives, many of us have probably aspired to at least one of these goals and thought they were a key to our happiness. Some still think they are.

But when pushed a little, most people will agree that what we really want is to live a long, happy and healthy life. The book deal is the icing on the cake.

So we eat healthy foods, drink moderately, sleep if we can, exercise regularly, and are aware of the stressors in our lives, which we do our best to mitigate with yoga, a mindfulness practice, therapy, or some other helpful tool.

Is this enough to guarantee a long and happy life? Nope. Or at least not according to tons of research.

Often, there’s one crucial element missing: good relationships. Positive and meaningful connections with others not only keep us healthier, happier, and living longer, but also help keep our minds sharp in old age.

The clear message is that a long, good life is built on the magic elixir of good relationships.



Alice Goldbloom
Mind Cafe

Woman of a certain age. On a good day I am 12 feet tall. Join me on Substack @ A Considerable Age.