It’s Hard To Let Go of People, Even if They’re Bullies

You have the ability to create friendships but also to break toxic ones

Sajjad Choudhury
Mind Cafe


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

When I was 13, my family decided to pack their bags and move to Wales. At the time, we lived in a little cottage in London, a rarity these days, I know, but it was getting too small for us. What we found instead was a large five-bedroom house that sat at the top of a winding hilly road and had a lush forest at the back and a gorgeous view of the river Severn in front.

It was like a dream had come true! Each of us could finally have our own bedrooms. There was also a large conservatory, and the garden came with a pond and summer house, meaning there was plenty of space and privacy.

What more could a young teenager want?

It did come with a downside, though. My old friends and connections would be gone, and in a time without social media or smartphones, it meant I had to start my life anew.

The only problem was, how would a young teenager fit into a school where everyone already knew each other? Would I be able to make new friends, and would I even get along with them?

I was about to be tested in every possible way.

An Unexpected Sense of Popularity



Sajjad Choudhury
Mind Cafe

Product Operations Lead @ Onfido | I create relationship wellbeing content, digital products and run an IG page. Check it out -