It’s OK If Your Relationship Looks Different From Everyone Else’s

As long as you’re happy.

Kirstie Taylor
Mind Cafe


Photo by Miriam Alonso from Pexels

This week, I had two moments of doubt in my relationship.

The first came after I uploaded a Tiktok. I posted it to help people who don’t view sex as a top priority in their relationship feel like they’re not alone. I talked about how it’s not even in my boyfriend and I’s top 5.

To my surprise, people left a lot of critical and hateful comments.

The second came after a conversation with a friend. Long story short: he implied that my wanting to wait until I’m older to have kids might mean I’m with the wrong person. Ludicrous, I know. But his comment still got to me.

Even though I’ve never been happier to be in a relationship with someone who matches my sex drive, and I know I’m not ready to have kids, I compared my relationship to the slew of people who chimed in with their opinions.

After a talk with my boyfriend that helped ground me back into reality, I was reminded of a golden rule that everyone should follow: find what works for you in a relationship and stick with it. Fuck what anyone else does.

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “comparison is the thief of joy,” which is true. But when it comes to relationships were all learning through…



Kirstie Taylor
Mind Cafe

Want to feel confident and secure when dating? Grab my 30-day dating guide, "From Anxious to Secure." // IG: @kirstietaylorr //